50 Years: Still Seeking Kent State Truth
50 Years: Still Seeking Kent State Truth
50 Years: Still Seeking Kent State Truth
50 Years: Still Seeking Kent State Truth
Kent State Forensics
Expert Forensics Deliver Kent State Truth
On the 40th anniversary of the Kent State massacre in May 2010 new expert forensic evidence emerged uncovering the Kent State Commands-to-Fire from the May 4, 1970 killing of four and wounding of nine student protesters. Ever since that day, the US government and those in power at Kent State University have made it their business to deny and refuse any meaningful inquiry into the Kent State Commands-to-Fire.
This game-changing Kent State evidence made front-page headlines in a Cleveland Plain Dealer series of news articles from science journalist John Mangels, sharing with the public the findings and analyses of forensic audio expert Stuart Allen in his examination of the Kent State tape. Mangels’ May 2010 article offered new perspectives into the Kent State massacre, especially the Kent State Commands-to-Fire, 40 years after the tragic event.
Stuart Allen, forensic audio expert
Watch expert Stuart Allen present his forensic analyses of the Kent State Commands-to-Fire in this 2012 CNN interview. See Allen discuss his forensic work at Kent State University in 2011.
Stuart Allen presents his analyses of the Kent State Commands-to-Fire
Read the Kent State Truth Tribunal view of the Kent State massacre and the discovery of the Kent State Commands-to-Fire in this Project Censored article, Kent State: Was It about Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters?
Later that year in October 2010 as Allen prepared for his Kent State Truth Tribunal testimonial, he “heard” additional new evidence in a commotion among the student protesters before the Kent State massacre. Mangels’ account on Allen’s findings reported, “When he re-analyzed and enhanced the section later, he picked up details of the yelling and what sounded like gunfire. He compared the acoustic signatures to his library of weapon sounds to determine that it was a .38-caliber revolver.”
News of the “sounds of commotion” heard moments before the Ohio National Guard gunfire in the Kent State massacre, and the implications of these sounds, precipitated US Representative Dennis Kucinich to launch a US Congressional “inquiry into an altercation and apparent pistol fire that occurred about 70 seconds before Ohio National Guardsmen shot students and antiwar protesters on May 4, 1970.”
Stuart Allen certifies the Kent State Commands-to-Fire sequence
Spurred by Allen’s revelations in October 2010, it looked like the new Kent State findings would be heard before Congress. Then by a twist of fate, even though Kucinich won the November 2010 re-election, he lost his Domestic Policy subcommittee chairmanship and its investigative powers when Republicans gained control of the US House of Representatives in 2011. Forty years later, the truth at Kent State was again prevented from being heard in the U.S. Congress.
Beyond the Commands-to-Fire, Allen also identified elements of government complicity in the alleged Kent State pistol shots of Terry Norman, the Kent State University student and FBI informant who may have fired the first shots in the Kent State massacre
Back then, the “21-year-old law enforcement major and self-described 'gung-ho' informant was the only civilian known to be carrying a gun -- illegally, though with the tacit consent of campus police -- when the volatile protest unfolded on May 4, 1970. Witnesses saw him with his pistol out around the time the Guardsmen fired.”
Allen’s forensics shine a light and blow a whistle on U.S. government complicity in the May 4, 1970 Kent State massacre. In verifying the four pistol shots before the Kent State Commands-to-Fire, Allen exposes long-buried covert government activities and participation in shooting and killing student protesters at Kent State.
Kent State spent bullets allegedly fired from Terry Norman’s pistol
At the May 4 Visitors Center and in historical accounts from Kent State University about May 4th, Stuart Allen’s new findings on Terry Norman’s activities that day, and the Kent State Commands-to-Fire, are still wholly denied, whitewashed and censored. The University’s dictum for the Kent State massacre of “Inquire, Learn, Reflect” is more like “Deny, Ignore, Bury the Truth Since 1970”.
Beyond delivering credible, expert and verifiable findings, Allen’s 2010 revelations in the Kent State Commands-to-Fire impact decades of our legal and collective understanding of what occurred before the Kent State massacre fusillade. In the nine years of Kent State lawsuits immediately following the massacre, the families of the dead and the survivors had no proof of this key evidence: the existence of the Kent State Commands-to-Fire.
Without this evidence, it was impossible to litigate critical legal issues involved in the Kent State massacre such as those involving the Ohio National Guard and their command responsibility. Back then and to this day, the US government, the state of Ohio and Kent State University have made every effort to control and obfuscate what is known about the Kent State massacre as they erase evidence of government involvement in the reports, books, visitor centers, documentaries and commemorations they sponsor.
Let us heal the wounds of those hurt by what occurred at Kent State, establish true cause and effect in the massacre, and shine a light on truth as we stand for the safety and protection of protesters in America today.
A quote from Michael Parenti in his book, History is Mystery:
"Those engaged in the manufacturing of history often introduce distortions at the point of origin well before the history is written or even played out. This initial process of control is not actually left to chance but is regularly pursued by interested parties who are situated to manipulate the record."
In remembrance of Stuart Allen, international forensic expert,
who crossed over peacefully on November 23, 2016