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Read Our Stories of Kent State Peace

The Kent State 50th Email Blast Went Viral

In May 2019 confounding news from Kent State University made national headlines in the appointment of a 25-yr CIA veteran to Chair the 50th commemoration of the May 4, 1970 Kent State massacre. The Kent State Truth Tribunal called out for help in protesting this appointment and you answered by participating. Thank you dear friends!

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An organized opposition emerged in the hundreds of emails sent to the president of Kent State University. Outraged peaceful Americans were able to take action and protest the CIA veteran’s appointment by participating in the Kent State May 2019 50th Email Blast. Days later we were amazed when the CIA veteran stepped down, publicly announcing her resignation on facebook.


Humbly asking for your support again, this time for our “Fund the 50th” drive. Please donate to help us build the Kent State Truth Tribunal Testimonials Online Archive and you will make the difference, again.

Allison said, “Flowers are better than bullets”

The Kent State Truth Tribunal honors all who were harmed in the Kent State massacre. Allison Krause was one of four students killed by the Ohio National Guard as she protested the Vietnam War on May 4, 1970. 


A 19 year old freshman, honors student at Kent State University, on May 4th Allison stood for the cause of peace, protesting the Vietnam War on her college campus. Today, almost fifty years later, Allison stands for truth in the May 4, 1970 Kent State massacre, and for the safety and protection of protesters today.

Please watch “Dear Allison,” a video about Allison Krause by Walter Wynn

As we establish the Kent State Truth Tribunal Testimonials Online Archive from the stories of original participants and witnesses of the Kent State massacre, we heal Kent State wounds. We are sharing truth, honoring it and making Kent State truth available for all to know.


For Kent State historians, peaceful folks, youngsters and future generations, we hope the Kent State Truth Tribunal Testimonials Online Archive will become a rich resource of truth in the Kent State massacre. At the heart of our archive is the “People’s History of Kent State” and the truth from those who were there.

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Let’s Set the Kent State Record Straight

Fifty years ago at campus antiwar protests in May 1970, the US military and law enforcement took aim with live ammunition at peaceful young people against the Vietnam War, and acted with impunity in the killing of student protesters at Kent State and Jackson State. 


A generation, many from Woodstock Nation, has suffered life-long American wounds, inflicted by the US government’s plan to teach antiwar protesters a lesson. These wounds have not healed and, even 50 years later, the US government still covers up the truth of what they did … with impunity. Even worse, the precedent has been set in this criminal disregard, disrespect and killing of protesters in America.


The May 1970 massacres were experienced and felt by all Americans, not just the physically wounded or killed. We take a giant step towards healing and peace when we honor truth in the People’s History of Kent State. Let us share our truth and heal. Let there be healing for all of us and for the collective. 


When we stand together for truth, we begin to heal. Your generous donations make Kent State healing, truth and reconciliation possible.

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